2024.01.10 (수)

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(11월) Bob Dylan

Do you know about ‘The Nobel Prize in Literature’? As you know, Nobel Prize is presented to a person or group contributing the welfare of all mankind according to Swedish Alfred Nobel (1833~1896)’s will. The Nobel Committee gives a great amount of surprise for selecting unexpected person as 2016 winner of the Nobel Literature Prize.: The winner is American Folk-Rock singer, ‘Bob Dylan’!

 As usual, Bob Dylan was famous for writing more poetic lyrics than poem and well-known for being mentioned as a candidate of the Nobel Literature Prize. Also, the U.S. president ‘Barack Obama’ celebrated him, saying “Bob Dylan is one of my favorite poets”, and this Nobel Literature Prize’s influential contender, Salman Rushdie, told “Song and poem is connected closely from Orpheus to Faiz(singer of Pakistan). Dylan is awesome heir of world? of the minstrels. It’s an  excellent choice.”

However, denial controversy of prize occurred because he remained clam after being selected as the winner of the Nobel Literature Prize. After all Per Best Berry, the Swedish writer and committee member for selection of the Nobel Literature Prize, told “Bob Dylan’s action is arrogant and  rude.”, revealing that they could not contact with him, emphasizing that this circumstance as ‘unprecedented’. At last 28 after about half month from that, Bob Dylan declared that he will accept the prize. He told “I’m lost for words for news of the Nobel Literature Prize” and “I considered this prize a great honour.” to Sweden Academy.

  For now, there are many the very moot point about his prize: ‘He has widened the border of literature’ versus ‘There are many more great writers than Bob Dylan’

(M. G. Kim)

